Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Our Home Away From Home

We visited our wonderful Children's South ENT first today to discuss Monday's surgery for Gage. Not a whole lotta discussing, Gage knows what's up, I know what's up, Doc knows what's up, this will be his third surgery on his right ear as far as ci's go (not to mention all the tubes, 'plastic' surgery and whatever else I'm forgetting). I did ask if he thought it would be about four hours to remove the non functioning ci and put the new one in and he said that likely it won't take that long. I guess since the drilling has already been done, he's hoping it'll be a slip out slip in type thing but yes, he was scheduled for a four hour O.R. time just in case.

We then moved over to the hospital (our home away from home) and donated the blankets my grandmother made. She has been fighting breast cancer in recent years and she's ran out of grand babies/great grand babies and even great great grand babies so she has been so kind to donate these adorable blankets she makes to the NICU unit at Children's. Gage was happy to hand them over this afternoon and on our way out, he found not one but two lucky pennies on the ground. I suggested he keep them til Monday when we come back for his surgery and then place them in the donation tubs inside the hospital, making a wish on each one. He was so thrilled over these two pennies.

Saturday, I will take him as promised to the thrift store, his favorite place in the world and buy him whatever he needs to make his custom vehicles for the next two weeks while we are home, NOT riding four wheelers & NOT going to school in hopes we do not get bored out of our mind! Wish us luck, only a few days away. I asked him on the way if he was getting nervous about surgery and he said, "No, uh look Mama, my friend Hayden lives there."....so there you have it! lol, Will be updating Facebook throughout surgery on Monday so that's where you'll find pics and the latest news.

p.s. He is really looking forward to hearing his teachers, friends and music better soon.


rouchi6 said...

I really pray and wish both of you the very best for this surgery.Our thoughts and prayers are with you.You are such a great mum with such adorable brave kids.Hugs to you both.

leah said...

Oh, Val- I am praying for you and I will keep Gage in my thoughts next Monday. I hope his recovery is quick- will he be released on the same day as the surgery?

Sending hugs your way!

VBnBama said...

we will stay overnight.