Friday, October 1, 2010

New IEP for Gage Man

Goof ball

So the latest on Gage Man...
Had a new IEP meeting today...pulling him out of his reading group, in no way shape or form can he hear his teacher well enough. Rather than get them to hire a captionist, I feel like he needs to step back, have Reading w/his homeroom teacher who he hears well and who has a much smaller room...
When he has his surgery (17 days!) He will continue to keep up w/classwork at home, when he returns and gets back in the swing of things, we may then move him back to his Reading group...
we'll cross that bridge when we get there...
Love the teachers, love the school, so cooperative.

1 comment:

Prince Andrew and the Queen Mum said...

So thankful for you that you have a team that will adjust as needed!!!