Friday, February 12, 2010


Because even snowmen have ci's at the Blakely's house!

My husband built this sled when we first got married hoping for a good snow to use it in....well, it's been 12 years and he's finally had a deep enough snow here to use it! He's so proud, now I'm off to pull him around in it, he insist he HAS to use it since he built it. Good times today with a fire on the patio, and coffee in hand.

**oh, and the snowman's lips....some ABC gum I found next to the tree under a blanket of snow.
(already been chewed if you don't remember what abc stands for)


leah said...

Love the snowman- though I don't think I'd want to give it a kiss with ABC gum for lips! Ew! :-)

The Brights said...

How fun! Sounds like all 3 of your kids are enjoying the yucky white stuff!

Jigna B said...

Liked the snowman with CIs