Thursday, August 26, 2010

and this is where we are...

I took this photo at 7:30 this morning while he watched the construction workers build a new Children's Hospital and while I nervously awaited to lay eyes on my Cochlear peeps. We were scheduled in late Sept. to our next round of integrity testing w/them but earlier this week I had emailed our audiologist and informed her we had removed Gage's right cochlear implant processor. The only thing the right one is contributing at this point is chaos. As soon as they hooked him up, the testing results were different than the last time they had done this, yielding a ci as being...consistently inconsistent! No matter the underlying cause, with a child who had rather hear bad w/two than good w/one, we are at a point where, he's been asked to remove his right, unstable ci processor and he will likely receive a new one as early as October...? We will not disturb our favorite ci surgeon while he's out of town, so we will wait to disturb him next week and ask if/when/what we need to do. Gage is great. He's excited about the Nucleus 5 camo processors and not so excited about the surgery but he knows in order to hear w/two, he must do this. It's just another day in the life of Gage....
to be continued


PinkLAM said...

Is this the same side that had the infection and was reimplanted before? Gage will be in my thoughts, glad he has such a positive attitude.

VBnBama said...

no, thank goodness, that remains his 'good' ear. This will be a first time revision on this ear.

leah said...

Oh, goodness! It always seems to be something. Sending my prayers that the surgery goes very smoothly and that he gets his very cool N5 camo processors. There were a couple of kiddos at John Tracy with the N5's- they're very sleek and cool looking!