I took the two bilateral buddies to the park today. We went over with Brook that school has a plastic slide and we don't want her using those. The park had both metal and plastic so she made a good choice and went for the metal one (even though it was wet). I can't believe she's about to start school and going to be on her own for the whole day learning new things, making more friends, coming home with homework! The school just has a plastic slide but lots of other things for her to choose from so I'm hoping she makes the right choice and don't pursue the plastic. She said "Well I can just take my processors off" but I cringed at the thought of 14,000 bucks lying around somewhere getting stepped on or even lost. I told her the teacher knows she's not supposed to go down the plastic one and I need her to keep those processors on during P.E. That's her social time and I sure don't want her to miss out on that. She can run, play on the metal equipment, race around the track, play ball, whatever the other options are (if there were no other options I'd make them get a metal slide but there's lots of activities!).
I just looked at the calendar and realize it's only two weeks til Gage gets his pit/skin tag removed from his face. And who will do it? None other than his ci surgeon...click here to read the last entry on him at Bama Ears.
I'm sure he'll be happy with the results, it might go in deep but shouldn't be a huge scar or anything. He'll be healed up just in time for school which starts in one month on Aug. 10!! I hope I get to start substituting soon or I'll go nuts here by myself. Plus I'm nosey and want to have an excuse to peek in on my babies! I sure hope Gage has better luck this year than he did last (health wise) and I know he'll hear easier being bilateral now.

this may be a very dumb question- and i have actually wondered about this- but why no plastic slide with the ci? does it static it up or ?? my little one is just big enough for slides now...maybe i'll look up on ci circle too and see if this is answered. :)
yes, just the static...don't want her erasing her map which my son did once...but that was back when he wore a body worn processor which has a greater chance of static issues...just overly cautious I guess.
:) nevermind- i looked it up, but i sure wish my audiologist would have told me that!!! since i took her on a plastic slide this morning for the first time ever. well, we'll have to see when she wakes up from her nap if her implants are screwed up.
so glad i read this post!
Here's this as a resource on static as well:
Wow- your school starts Aug. 10!!! That is early! I hope the surgery is an easy one and that he heals up really fast!
I'm sure she'll be a good girl and listen to her (worried overprotective) Mama.
Good luck om Gage's surgery...
Your kids are so cute! They remind me of my oldest son and my daughter :)
My daughter is going to first grade this fall and will be going full days for the first time! I'm going to be sooo sad without her!
Brayden told me that the pics of Gage and Brooke are Kenzee and Bray Bray. :)
We haven't had a problem with static. Brayden played on his plastic playhouse with slide for 3 years with no issues. He also jumps on the trampoline daily with his CI's on. He knows not to touch his implants while on the trampoline though. Hopefully I didn't just jinks us! We always check them afterwards as well.
i have never had a problem using a plastic slide as long as i keep my head away from where i can catch static. the same with balloons and i always make sure i touch some thing neutral before touching the ci again.
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