Today, cousin Kendall came over to play with us. This four year is a hoot let me tell ya. She's the one that could say her ABCs by 18 mos old (not kidding) and boy does she
have a big vocabulary. She was the "mama" and Brook was the baby that Kendall named "Boohoo" and Gage was the cat. They were so funny. Kendall's biggest concerns were, when is nap time at our house (I only wish!) and what was I gonna fix her to She did get a little angry in the pool a couple of times because I wasn't really listening to them, my mind was on this photo program Leah's helping me with (I'm sure if you click on her site you'll see her showing off her skills!). But if I had been actually listening to the "mama" and the "baby" and the "cat" I would have reminded the "mama" that the cat and "BooHoo" couldn't hear her. It was only til she got to the point of screaming at them when I snapped out of my photography daydream t
hat I said "oh remember they can't hear you". She replied, "oh yea, I'll just go get them" and she'd swim off to tap a shoulder, very cute. She's coming back Friday I think, daycare's closed this week so she gets to play out in the country some.
And on a side note, her mama has OCD really bad (cleaning, counting,etc.) anyway, she looked down and saw a spot (I can't remove) in my carpet and said "You need to clean your floors sometime." I laughed.
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