click to view the back cover closer so you can see what a famous author wrote about our book!!!!
Finally, after I've waited for months and months (I'm no good at secrets!) I can proudly release a book I wrote with an outstanding speech-language pathologist who worked with both of my children. She actually started working with Gage when he was four months old!! Over the years, she and I have become friends. I called her out of the blue one day and said "hey, we need to write a book for parents of children newly diagnosed with hearing loss, and for the people who work with those kids." I told her specifically, I wanted it to be easy to read, I wanted it to sound like it was coming from a mother's mouth and not professionals with big words that people would have to look up in the dictionary (yes, I've left the doctor's office plenty of times when Gage was an infant, only to run home and look up what the heck we had just discussed!)
To my surprise, she said "oh yes, we should!" and we immediately got started. Here are a couple of excerpts from the book and you can click over to my second blog I'm All Ears book blog for other information. So thank you Tamara Harrison for your professional input and thank you for being a dedicated therapist, your passion is evident and as a parent I truly appreciate that! And thank you to my friend and sister-in-law Christie who did a fabulous job on these covers. She spent countless hours perfecting this (without complaining!) and she got it exactly as I had envisioned!
page 27
"Three hours had passed and not a word from the doctor. Four hours had passed and no word yet. Finally the door popped open yet again. This time it was a nurse. She came to us and asked us to come with her. The nurse said, 'The doctor wants to see you where it's more private.' I did not like the sound of that. My mind started racing. Is Gage alive? What happened during the surgery? Was this why it had taken so long?
A few minutes later the doctor walked into the small room. He seemed very disappointed...worried...distracted."
page 53 from Tamara's writings
"...The teacher shared that Gage was a great reader - he sounded out the words well, he got along with the others well, and he was eager to learn. The only problem she had with Gage was that he TALKED TOO MUCH! Isn't that fabulous? That's music to a speech pathologist's ear! The teacher also said that Gage paid attention better than anyone in the class and that GAGE WAS THE BEST LISTENER. The deaf kid in her class was the best listener!..."
I've been asked in the past to please give tissue warnings in some of my blog posts so for those of you who know us personally, this might touch your heart in the beginning so I do give a slight tissue warning for the first half of the book. I will note however that there are stories in there to make you laugh also! It's not intended to be a sad book, just a book of my travel from ignorance to advocacy on this road my children have led me on. It's been hard, it's been amazing, and it's taught me so much! I planned a perfect picnic but didn't consider the weather. Sometimes, it's just better to have your picnic despite the weather and I hope that this book will serve it's purpose...to help some family somewhere, know that they are not alone.
Yay Val and Tamara- you guys rock - that photo on the back cover is just the most beautiful thing.
OMMMMMMGGGGG! This is sooo exciting!!!!! I read part of it when I was at Jodi's. I can't wait to read the rest!
Let me just tell you that I am no good at keeping secrets either, this was a rough one! *smile* Your book deeply touched me and you are such a special person. Thank you for your ongoing support and for sharing your experiences to help others. Gotta go BLOG YA! My most heartfelt congratulations on your incredible achievement...and idem to Tamara! Love, Jodi
wish I could order it!..sadly no cc pay..
it seems like a terrific Job!!terrific!
Someone should blog about all of these books that are for CI's ( chidren and adult )
Congrats on your new book!
Wow! Congratulations! I would love to have an autographed copy! You have the most darling kids and are such a great example for others in your situation.
I know secrets are hard to keep but I'm glad you made it this long!
Can't wait to get my hands on the book! Congrats!
Hi Val, I just ordered it and can't wait to read it. Congrats! Please note that my shipping address is different than the billing at this time. Thanks, Paula
I'm rushed to get back to the hospital but I had to log on and say "WOW!". You did something I've given passing thoughts to through the years, and from what I can tell so far, did it in an amazing way. I can't wait to get the book :)
So exciting-
CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is SO exciting!
Val, I just ordered the book. Can't wait to get it. Can you sign my copy? (Just Kidding)
Val, I just ordered your book. I can't wait to get it. Can you sign my copy? (Just kidding)
You truly are a super mom and it is no wonder you receive so much praise! :) I want to buy the book just for the cover :) Not really, but your children are oh so adorable! Thanks for always answering questions and providing sooooo much great information to all of us mothers looking for the right answers! All of your knowledge and passion for CI/hoh/deaf kids has helped so many of us and I truly appreciate all you've done to help us along!
Wow! Congratulations - that is so awesome! I definitely want to get a copy, and can't wait to read it.
So exciting! I ordered mine this morning, can't wait to read it!
Way to go Val! Like I said before, you truly are an inspiration to me, not only with my personal journey with Aiden, but to also reach out to other families who have children with hearing loss! You have taught me so much just through your blog, I can't wait to read this book!! CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH ON SUCH AN AMAZING ACCOMPLISHMENT!
Congrats! :)
Thanks guys, what a day! I'm so excited and can't wait to start presentations, now we have gathered a lot of our info into one book so it'll be easier. Now I won't have to just get up there and randomly speak, I'll have the book to go by. You all have been super nice and accepting, and I truly appreciate that. ((big hugs))
My mum has been telling me for years that I ought to write a book - it has been kicking around in my head for awhile - hmmm maybe I ought to take my cues from you and think about seriously putting something together???? : - )
Oh, that picnic analogy got me! Great job on this...much needed!
Naomi, and what is stopping you? I'd love to read a book 'bout the older kiddos...give me a heads up.
"A" could make a book out of his poems and stuff too!
Like so many others, I can't wait to get a copy of your book. However, I do want you to know how much your blog alone has helped me and my family get through diagnosis to CI surgery and almost activation (Friday). You gave me hope for my daughter and I will forever be grateful. Thank you for being such an inspiration and congrats on your accomplishment! Embrace it!!
Let me know how I can get a hold of this book. Email me and I will give you my facebook access too.
OH Val! This is SO exciting :) I'm ordering it RIGHT now :) I also updated my Children's CI Book blog post to include this :)
Congratulations and I am SO excited for you :)
Mine shipped yesterday- I can't wait to get my hands on it! My parents are visiting, too, and I'm sure they'll want to read it, too. Through all the ups and downs, you've shown us all that our kids are going to be JUST FINE. Although they may call the cops one too many times... (g)!
Leah, I will tell you that many members of my family had a tough time reading this book. It took my mother weeks to get thru it because she cried severly because she thought she knew it all, she was there the whole time, but she's discovered she really had no idea...what I as the mother dealt with. Thanks, and hope you enjoy.
...on my way to the www-store..
I received the book!Val , you made me laugh and cry..it was terrific!!
Wish I could email u 2 ask some things!
I read the first portion..it was so moving!!
WOW!!! This is wonderful. Your whole blog is soooo sweet and your kids are just darling!
I referred your blog today to a parent with a 14 month old daughter who was diagnosed with mild hearing loss at birth but actually was found to have profound hearing loss. I myself am a recent "cochlear implantee" as you put it, and I wish my parents had made the choice for me that you did for your children. (The times were different though, 19 years ago.)
Keep up the great blog and the advocacy/education!
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