Sunday, May 18, 2008

HEAR Center at the Zoo

We celebrated our HEAR Center's 250th hearing birthday today. They have performed over 250 ci surgeries now and we were glad to meet up with some other parents we haven't seen a while, the good doctor is in red there, and even met Mr. Pearson, the little man in blue. All kinds of kids were there, some had Auditory Neuropathy, some had multiple disabilities but one thing in common, they could all hear now. We had a blast!
On a side note, I totally forgot how smelly the zoo is!! Here you see the bats, bald eagles, and diamond back rattlesnakes...

1 comment:

Abbie said...

UGH! I have a thing about bats like you do with frogs....


Glad y'all had a great time today there! :)