Went to local beauty salon to get Gage a haircut. We had a different stylist and I quickly explained that he wouldn't be able to hear her once he took off his processor, she needed to face him to speak (he reads lips well, but the mirror image may throw him off). As he was getting his hair cut this little seven year old boy walks over to me and said "why does he not wave at me? I said hey to him but he didn't say it back?" Well, here goes the lesson! This little boy was SOOOO interested and asked the most intelligent questions. His mom was busy on a cell phone and had no idea what was being discussed. He asked me if the processor would get bigger as he got older...he asked me if one day could Gage wear those kind that fit inside his ear (meaning hearing aids)...he even asked if he could wear it. When Gage got finished, we demonstrated how a paper clip would stick to his head and the boy said "So Cool!". Once the stylist was finished they had a short conversation (just boy stuff) and we were ready to leave. Unfotunately a different stylist opened her mouth (she's done this before!) and apologized to me for my kid being deaf!!!! I played dumb and when she said "I'm sorry" and rolled her eyes toward Gage, I said "excuse me?" and sat there until she made herself clear she was referring to my kid! I wanted to give her a chance dispite her previous record. I quickly stated she needn't apologize, it doesn't bother him...I can't wait to go back though, I have a whole list of other things I'd like to say! I mean strike three and you're out right? Even a seven year old had more respect!

and though he wasn't sporting the mohawk at the time, this is his preferred hairstyle...do you think he likes attention?
I can't tell you how many times I have gotten the whole, "I'm sorry" thing to when I tell people that I am deaf and for the longest time I didn't know how to respond. Now, I just snap back saying, "Don't be sorry, I'm not." and just carry the conversation from there.
On the paper clip note, just before I read this I had my head on my desk and on my desk was some paper clips. I lifted my head and lo and behold was some paper clips attached to my magnet. I can't believe I never though to attach clips to my head... Brilliant!
I brushed her off last time she gave me that over dramatic pout and "oh poor guy"...I told her the same thing "doesn't bother him!!" but she keeps on. This time she had that "he's never gonna amount to anything" looks!! This is why, I'll be loaded w/some educational comebacks next time! It will continue to happen, I'm sure
I also can't tell you the number of times I get the "I'm sorry your deaf, or wow you speak so clearly for someone deaf."
I use to let it slide and smile. Now I get to the point and say, I'm not sorry, I get to have this wonderful technology.
I have not gotten the paper clips, I need to try that. I do "lose my processor" everything I bend down to pick up something. It attaches itself to my desk. I need a wood desk!
Val, these types of people are getting smaller. The wonderful educational comebacks will just go over her head. You have to come down to her level - you know my kids' bling is better than your kids' bling....type comment.
I'm a deaf adult with a CI and I've gone through all that. My comeback to the "you speak very well" is "Thank you, so do you". I haven't had a paperclip stuck to my head but my processor does jump onto the dryer or the fridge when I'm in it LOL.
Some people just don't get it. I have yet to get that comment about the kids, but I'm with you- that would irk me. My kids rarely think about it as an issue, so it's NOT an issue :)
Love the mohawk! Jake requests one as well, but his hair just isn't quite long enough to really spike well. I'll have to show him Gage's picture- he'll have hair envy.
Isn't it amazing how inappropriate and ignorant adults can be, whereas children always seem to find a way to to be a bit more sensitive and caring with this stuff. We've had similar things happen to us, where Moms at the playground would apologize for Christian's hearing loss, and then their kiddos would just be completely normal.
Oh man! I just left a comment on Jodi's blog. I'll have to think of a moment that I could share with you.
Next time, when you go to that haircut place, be sure to wear your CI awareness spirit wear!
Be sure to let us know what happens next time!
Great idea, I will definitely let ya know. I'll lace up my gloves before I go in too.
I feel like saying "I used to be ignorant like you"...or "thank God he gave these kids to me and not you"
BWHAA!! on the mohawk look. on the 'i'm sorry' i think people don't know what to say but if you have been there before jeepers. you know though- i am not sure if anyone has ever said 'i'm sorry'...at least i can't think of any time. plenty of other stupid stuff. LOL!! next time turn to her and say..'gee I don't think the haircut is THAT bad."
I often imagine what the comments will be like for our son Aiden as he gets older (he's two months and diagnosed at birth with profound hearing loss ... we're new to the community!) It's one of my biggest fears because I'm not a quiet person when it comes to ignorant adults ... I'll have to come up with something civil to use over and over, but I'm sure there will be days that I will leave that ignorant person with their mouth hanging open!
I love the mohawk! Our oldest son gets one every summer - they're great! I would love to keep in contact! I just started our blog on Aiden and am looking to get more involved in the deaf/hoh communities that's out there! It's a whole new world for us and I'm taken back by all the great stories and support there is!
People just don't get it! My daughter has a CI and a hearing aid and thankfully we have only gotten positive comments (I'm sure that will change,sadly). Never thought about a paper clip on her hear :) Her CI does attatch itself to things randomly...
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