Sunday, July 17, 2011


We are very pleased at how her foot is now healing. The Zyvox seems to be working well and since the wood removal she's in no pain, she can walk with both feet, and I'll bet she'll be swimming by week's end.
She's still on schedule for tonsillectomy on July 27 so we are 10 days away from that. Hopefully she'll get to swim some because she loves the pool. She's hasn't been able to swim for weeks with 'the foot'. After her surgery, she's not to swim for like 2 weeks I think so we hope to get her there soon!

Although with a higher 're-bleed' risk, we expect no problems with this upcoming surgery which will be done via laser rather than traditional way. Our ENT is our CI surgeon so he immediately knew what tools he could/couldn't use during the operation.

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