Thursday, January 6, 2011

Today's medical update...

I was thrilled the pink area seemed to be gone yesterday but still asked him not to wear the processor. However, this morning I did see a tiny magnet-sized pink spot again, so he'll be wearing his processor only a little while this morning again, and removing it. I did however, manage to get his FM loop working so his teacher is using that today. Unfortunately, I did have to give him benadryl last night before bed due to itching. He says it still feels a little puffy to him and given that it is his body, I must take note of that even if I don't really see much. But so far so good on the meds, we still have high hopes!! Again, not much to see in the photo.


Anonymous said...

Does he still wear the other implant? I know he doesn't like to sign, but he should learn it while he is young (the older you are, the harder it gets). You never know if his implant will keep giving him problems. PSE is good as most deaf people sign PSE from what I heard. I think the school MAY be able to provide him sign language classes. Please don't get mad at me for suggesting this, I know get tiresome hearing this, but I do worry about him. It's kinda hard to go to start out deaf program/interpreting in a elementary level sign language at a very late age (you crave for more advanced level). This is JUST in case, back up plan for him.

AimeeTheSuperMom said...

We had this problem with CJ when he was implanted. We needed to go down on the strength of the magnet on the processor. Have you tried that? I haven't been able to read your blog to get the full story, but am happy to help if I can. CJ is at a 1/2 strength battery rather than even a 1. If I can help, feel free to e-mail me at