Sunday, November 22, 2009

So this is where we are now...

So after years of teaching these two to listen and then repeat exactly what we say...
we are now at a place that they can listen and process, change and then repeat what information will irritate the other one...

Today I tell Brooklyn, "Go tell Gage that Home Alone 3 will be on in five minutes"   one of his favorites.
She smiles like the devil an angel and goes into his room to say, "Mama said Home Alone 3 comes on in an hour" hoping he'd miss it.
That's what little sisters are for!
But I will say that last time this was on, Gage may have been not hearing at the time, I don't remember if he had his new ci's or not...but I just overheard him telling Brook about all the booTy traps this little boy has set during the movie. I did tell him the difference between booty trap vs. booby trap.
Gage has been working on his Christmas list(s) and spent most of the morning screen shopping online, he's picked out several $300+ riding toys that he wants. Oh, not to ride, for crying outloud...TO TAKE APART! And this is why it's just best for him to shop at yard sales and thrift stores.


leah said...

That Brook is a sly one.

Matt is a boy who likes to take things apart, too. There's no point in getting him expensive vehicles, because he just takes the wheels off and the doors off. Of course, he's only three, so he hasn't figured out a way to exchange car parts yet, lol!

leah said...

That Brook is a sly one.

Matt is a boy who likes to take things apart, too. There's no point in getting him expensive vehicles, because he just takes the wheels off and the doors off. Of course, he's only three, so he hasn't figured out a way to exchange car parts yet, lol!