Friday, October 30, 2009

Fall Festival

This "thing" was really a person walking on all fours on stilts! Sorry all I had was the camera phone, but I was a little freaked out by this.

poor quality sorry!
Here you see Gage going down one of those jumpy things. The gym was full of jumparoos.........great! Anyone w/kids who wear ci's know what that means. Processors off, give them to a responsible adult (you only hope and pray!) and then retape them. Not a huge deal but you then have to instruct the attendants that they hear nothing but at our school, they're already trained so we're good! The kids had a blast.

Gage did soooo good during mapping today (medication is still working) and we had both ears finished in 45 minutes and he don't have to go back til February! If I need to take him before I can but his audiologist is about to have her second child (in one year's time!) so we're gonna try to stretch it out. With his other ci he needed mapped monthly regardless! We are optimistic that he is gonna be able to go longer this go around.

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