Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fireworks on the Fourth

I have to tell ya how much we look forward to holidays where we use fireworks to celebrate. This Independence Day will be celebrated by many and I have to tell you that believe it or not, my kids did not like fireworks (even though they are quite visual) a few years ago. I remember my kids would always miss out because we would always do the fireworks at dark and they would get so excited to see the lighters (matches or light sticks whatever we used to actual ignite the fuses), they would smile as if that was it but they couldn't hear the 'whiz' sound of the rocket flying into the air and as our faces would follow them into the sky, our oohs and ahhs could be seen by the children so they would look up to see what we were looking find a dark sky, they had just missed the pretty colors. They just didn't get the whole fireworks scene. However now, as our country celebrates freedom, so are my children who have thankfully become more and more independent each year not only because of their freedom but their Freedoms (name of their cochlear implants). Have a great Fourth of July!!

And on a different note, if you live in Alabama and have child with hearing loss please send us your story. If you are a professional and want to nominate a family please give them the website address of . We want professional stories, family stories, children's stories, teen stories, anything related to hearing loss in Alabama. You can email them to . We do not do commercial stories to sell your products but if you are a doctor, teen, parent, teacher of the deaf, hearing loss with multiple needs, etc. and have an interesting story, we want to hear from you!

1 comment:

AngieShaw10 said...

Yep cant wait to show Mary Fireworks. Over here will have to wait for Bonfire Night 5th November. Enjoy the evening.