...um, Brook has informed me that her "child" will now be sleeping in my room because she's keeping her up at night with her constant crying. She's moved her just over the threshold into my quarters. Today she told me the baby had a virus. If I had known you send your children to the grandma's pad when times got tough or when they got sick...I would have been sending mine more often! So it's now my job to take care of her during the overnight hours. Brook says that she'll come wake me when the baby starts crying but I'll have to take care of her. I'll let you know if "IT" starts waking me at night, if that happens I already have a room reserved at the local insane asylum **smile**
can you believe she lets her baby sleep in those expensive hearing aids ??
shes too cute....
what a crack up!! Love it!
LOL Val , Brook made me crack up!!!
And you thought you were done with infant night duty, lol!
Brook's babies are very good about leaving their hearing aids in. She has to let me in on her secret!
bless her little cottom socks! :)
Hilarious... made my day!
Ok, that is hilarious!
Very cool blog. Thanks for sharing!
Funny! And, you need to teach her about sleeping in hearing aids-LOL!
that is too funny. she must go through lots of batteries...heehee
LOL - I cracked up over this one! Aren't children hilarious with what they come up with!!
Too funny!!!
Oh God, I missed this...SPECTACULAR!!!! She is so not normal- LOVE HER!!!!!
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