Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mommy gets an ci

Keeping with the Learn 2 Hear theme from the lesson of the week, I received my first ci today. My surgeons, a beautiful five year old w/a pink surgical suit/sleeper, and an very handsome (and feeling so much better) seven year old who oversought the whole operation. You'll see the "daddy nurse" according to Brook was in charge of meds. and my "pink nurse" was in charge of the actual surgery and IVs. You can see she's removing all air bubbles before she inserts the IV (aka fake nail polish) into my vein. After she thumps and thumps again, she inserts it into my sleeve and then makes her first incision behind the ear. All in all, it went well, and I got to relax for a few minutes(well sort of, only so much relaxing when you have these guys as surgeons).
Gage is doing sooo much better today and even noted how much better he feels! His ear/head looks great and hopefully in a few days (when it's not so graphic) I'll post a shot of before surgery and after surgery and you can see what his issues were.


Nicole said...

Ahhhh....You may have a nurse or surgeon in the making! Sounds like she knows exactly what to do. Glad to hear Gage's surgery went well and he's feeling better. Praying for good results Friday and he'll have his other CI soon.

Naomi said...

too cute! Oh and what a willing patient you clearly were : - ) I am so glad to hear that Gage is feeling better, so much so that he can tell you that he is.

PolyglotMom said...

Sounds like fun! I'm glad to hear that surgery went well and that Gage is feeling better... happy new year!

leah said...

You have the cutest surgeons in the world! I am glad that Gage is starting to feel better. They did a great job with the CI surgery on mom!