Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mother's Day 2006

So I'm putting things up from the end of the year (keepsakes) and I run across this: during the scan it cuts part of it off but if you'll note, it's a little fill in the blank Gage's preschool did when he was 5. As you may or may not can read, my favorite activity is washing the dishes, my favorite movie is American Idol and I weigh in at 42 pounds being only 16 inches tall(even as a small person I'd be overweight). She said he was adament to cross out the feet and put in inches! I look best when I laugh and worse when I make him clean the wall w/wet toilet paper(it was a magic eraser used to clean where he wrote on the wall!) and I love to go to the circus and I hate going to a stranger's house. My favorite food is Paula Deen and HIS favorite thing is when I called UPS to bring him his pinata. I will treasure this forever...this is the only place I'll EVER be that small. Wonder what he'd say now...hmmm better not ask!

1 comment:

Prince Andrew and the Queen Mum said...

sweet;) very very sweet. you ought to put that in a cool frame and mount it on the wall. or start a scrapbook to keep the specials of the specials. I MUST do that.