Monday, April 7, 2008

Now That's Love

We went to the dentist this morning and all went well. Brook didn't spit or bite anyone, she just SCREAMED which was improvement. Gage likes the dentist so he's always good. Here's the story: they both earned a balloon as a prize and couldn't wait to get home to tie B's to her bicycle and Gage's to his 4wheeler. As soon as Gage started to tie his it floated away. So Brook does what any good sister would do. She goes and gets her orange balloon and releases it so that it can go to Heaven w/Gage's. As she let it fly away at her own will, she was screaming up to the sky, "Jesus! Jesus! save our balloons for us". She then told me that Jesus would save their balloons for when they go to Heaven, he wouldn't pop them. Love how their little minds work. And both kids were happy again.


Tiffani Hill-Patterson said...

You have the best stories. That is so sweet!

Abbie said...

Gasp, that is so sweet!