Sunday, November 3, 2013

Study Day

 Back at the first of the year, as my Dermatologist removed the cancerous tumor on my foot, we discussed my children. She was very interested in the oldest child's Goldenhar Syndrome. She had heard of it, but never seen a person who had been diagnosed to her she asked us to participate in a large event held there each November where Dermatology Doctors come from far and wide to learn more...

My mom and I loaded the boy up at 5 am this morning and headed south, to UAB's Kirkland Clinic. They provided us with breakfast, coffee, cookies, other snacks, and more coffee. The boy earned a nice monetary prize from the University for his time and that is probably the only reason he wanted to go (typical). They placed us in a room (other patients were there also) and I kid you not...over a hundred doctors from all over the world came in small groups where I gave my "speech" on cochlear implants, Goldenhar Syndrome, skin tags, scars, dermoids of the eye, etc etc etc...

Gage did grow tired of the whole event after the first hour (we had already seen like 80 people at that point) but he was polite as expected and they all thanked him/us for coming and helping out over and over again.

I had explained to him before we ever went that this would help some child in the future. If they come across another child with these features, conditions, anomalies, they may have some idea what direction to point the parents...and that is all we wanted to do. They also reiterated that him as well so he was happy to help.

Both of the kids did well on their report cards this time, and we continue to mainstream as we always have. They are both participating in the church Christmas play again this year and we are about to leave for practice now. We still hope to upgrade Brooklyn's "ears" by April of next year as we must come up with the funds, since insurance will only cover 80%, we'll need over 3 grand before we upgrade to the N6s. Fingers crossed and praying now, we hope to accomplish this for her. She is on her last few spare parts right now! Until next time....