actually turned in to only six hours!! They cooperated and did well...considering we had four ears to map today. Gage pushed his trucks and played in the floor after the heated battles between he and Emily one of the audiologists(listening games). Then it was Brook's turn and she did just as fabulous. Now, I'm not saying they completely behaved, in fact we did NOT stop at the park afterward due to some inappropriate actions/behaviors. But we were home two hrs before I thought and I'm going to sit on the patio and read for a few minutes to unwind but an overall pleasant trip, I'm even taking them both back next month for Gage's next mapping and Brook's booth testing (all the same day).
Also, final survey results before I close it out, again remember, these results are from all over the US.
64.3% agree it's very important to have even reception knowledgeable about hearing loss in the ENT's office and the audiologist's office.
46.4% want more parent group meetings w/professionals attending, 25% want the pros to stay at home and 32.1% don't have time for group meetings (this didn't surprise me)
61% are very open discussing scheduling conflicts, discipline, at-home therapy, etc. w/their professionals
Less than a third of people live within a 30 min drive of their clinics and of the one's who drive 30+ miles,57.1% say the service is well worth it.
57% say they think their professionals understand some of the stresses of multiple appts./school issues and therapy issues some parents have.
68% of parents who took the survey say they connect w/other parents at least weekly in some form or fashion (blogs, forums, email, etc.) but almost all say the professionals did not provide the information.
and duntataduh......79% say that professionals should provide resources to parents such as local blogs, forums, or parent contact information such as email addresses of local parents who are willing to help. (p.s. I know my clinics do this because I'm contacted on occasion from parents and they also have my book in their library for parents to borrow.)
Gotta run, my sunny patio awaits!
Ha! And I thought this was going to be a take-off on Gilligan's Island. ("A three hour tour, A three hour tour.")
I'm so glad the kids were both able to be mapped. That will cut down so many trips on you. We didn't have such a great day. In fact we're dropping the private speech therapy for a while...Brayden will not work. We're having some serious issues with him again.
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