Next on our list of things sure to win us the "worst parents of the year award", Gage tells me yesterday that he needed to run out to his cabin (playhouse)to retrieve something. He spends most of his time working on his trucks, disassembling them and customizing them so he has plenty of small tools (screwdrivers, tiny screws, etc.) to help with his creations. He comes back in very quickly and says "Mama, I was kinda scared, um, I got choked a little bit." All out panic I give him the third degree...and this is what I get...."Well, I was just walking outside, and I had my mouth open...and um, well the wind blew a screw into my mouth and I swallowed it." Okay, what is it with these metal eating kids? I question as to the size, etc. just as I did with Brook, only this time, I'm not convinced that there is no sharp edges. Gage showed me the size, which I knew it had to be tiny knowing the size of screws he has in his collection...the doctor assures me it will likely pass as well and gave me the signs to watch for should he develop problems. Okay, so when you have kids, you just never know what each day will bring! What goes in, must come out and I'm sure mom gets that job as well...monitoring the 'out'. And on a different note, as I was trying to film the two kids conversing when only one can hear...I get this little jewel.
And I assure you, it WAS inappropriate!!! I told Gage the other day that he needed to learn some sign language just to offer it, and see what his reaction was....He immediately shook his head no and once again I got "No, I'm not!! You can do it, I'm not!" So, no pressure on our doctor or anything, but um, looks like he's fully confident that he WILL hear again, so lets cross our fingers. Feb 2, is our next big day.
p.s. I already know some sign and he does as well receptively, he just won't expressively sign, he says "I want to use my voice!" and he's pretty adamant about that...and so be it.
val, it sounds like I'm reading a humorous storybook! your kids are for the books! they're up to what not?!? you stay cool - I wouldve reacted differently- spank maybe?! lol! take it easy & were all hoping and praying along with you for the second ci.
classic! I did that too my mother, granted I was at the toddler mouthing everything stage - I swallowed an earring, a small coin and apparently a mothball -UGH they stink, how the heck did I manage that one???
I loved Gage's reaction when he worked out what Brooke had said to him LOL.
Fingers crossed for Feb 2nd!!
Oh God!!!!!!!!!! I'm on the floor! Spectacular! Hahahahahahahahha. Love those kiddos! And their psycho momma.
Your kids crack me up. It is great to see Gage back to his old self. Sending good vibes your way.
OMG that is so funny! Gage's story is the best. Do our kids really think we will believe they stories they come up with when they've done something they know they shouldn't have?
Funny! I want to know Brook's secret now-LOL.
And, we've done the whole swallowing things ordeal here as well. But, Brook and Gage were much more imaginative :)
just last year Jesse swallowed the clip from a just jumped right into his mouth ***grin
doc laughed and handed me a box of rubber gloves :) It was very sharp.
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